Career Interview: Haig Kazazian, Jr., MD

Career Interview: Haig Kazazian, Jr., MD

Professor of Human Genetics Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ASHG: What academic or extracurricular activities were you involved in during your training that helped you stand out among your peers? Dr. Kazazian: I did a genetics fellowship with Barton Childs at Hopkins, but at that time much of the fellowship was spent taking basic genetics... Read More

Career Interview: Aravinda Chakravarti, PhD

Career Interview: Aravinda Chakravarti, PhD

Professor of Genetic Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ASHG: If you had a choice, would you teach more or spend more time on your research? Why? Dr. Chakravarti: Given the choice TODAY, I would do more teaching. The answer I have given is surely true today for me but might not have been true a... Read More

Hard-to-Detect Chromosomal Anomalies Explain Neurodevelopmental Birth Defects

Hard-to-Detect Chromosomal Anomalies Explain Neurodevelopmental Birth Defects

Media Contact: Nalini Padmanabhan ASHG Communications Manager 301.634.7346 For Immediate Release Saturday, October 10, 2015 9:35 am U.S. Eastern Time (UTC-05:00) Findings Reported at ASHG 2015 Annual Meeting BETHESDA, MD – Balanced chromosomal abnormalities (BCAs), a category of structural changes to the human genome, may account for a large portion of birth defects related... Read More

Hard-to-Detect Chromosomal Anomalies Explain Neurodevelopmental Birth Defects

Media Contact: Nalini Padmanabhan ASHG Communications Manager 301.634.7346 For Immediate Release Saturday, October 10, 2015 9:35 am U.S. Eastern Time (UTC-05:00) Findings Reported at ASHG 2015 Annual Meeting BETHESDA, MD – Balanced chromosomal abnormalities (BCAs), a category of structural changes to the human genome, may account for a large portion of birth defects related... Read More

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