
Advance Your Career at ASHG 2022

Advance Your Career at ASHG 2022

ASHG is thrilled to announce the return of our in-person Career Fair, to be held during the 2022 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles! The Career Fair will be located in the Exhibit Hall, right behind ASHG Central. New this year we are offering extended opening hours, with Career Fair booths being open the entire time that the Exhibit... Read More

Ben Kang

ASHG’s Career Resources for All Professionals

As an ASHG member you have access to countless career resources. No matter what career stage you are at, whether it be trainee, undergraduate, post-doc or a head of a lab, the Society has you covered. Over the past year, the Society has continued to find ways to invest in programs, resources, and tools to... Read More

A Chat with Robin Aguilar

Robin Aguilar (they/them/elle) is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Washington in the Department of Genome Sciences developing software tools to study and image satellite DNA. Beyond their thesis work, Robin develops curricula, shares their experiences via writing, and creates art to make STEM and genomics more accessible. Robin recently published a Nature Career... Read More

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