
Advancing Research and Privacy Protections

Advancing Research and Privacy Protections

The responsible use of large-scale data to advance genetics and genomics research incorporates protections preserving the confidentiality of personal genetic information. ASHG asserts core privacy principles should be applied to all research, regardless of the funding source. Related: AJHG Perspective: Advancing Research and Privacy: Achievements, Challenges, and Core Principles (September 2019) Press Release: ASHG Asserts... Read More

Prohibiting Genetic Discrimination

Prohibiting Genetic Discrimination

Protections against genetic discrimination advance genetics research and the clinical use of genetics, as well as ensure the ethical use of genetic data. Ten years after the passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), ASHG remains a staunch advocate for GINA’s strong implementation and for other laws that enhance protections for the public. Related:... Read More

Denouncing the Misuse of Genetics

Denouncing the Misuse of Genetics

ASHG denounces the misuse of genetics to feed racist ideologies, and affirms that the research community should be clear about genetic knowledge related to ancestry and genomic diversity. Any attempt to use genetics to rank populations demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of genetics. Related: AJHG Perspective: ASHG Denounces Attempts to Link Genetics and Racial Supremacy (November... Read More

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