Thank you, ASHG 2020 is a Wrap!

The virtual meeting was a collaborative effort among many groups and people. We are grateful to ASHG’s Board of Directors for supporting the transition to the virtual meeting and the Program Committee, led by chair Teri Manolio and ASHG President Anthony Wynshaw-Boris.

A very special thank you goes to the speakers, moderators and attendees who stayed up late or woke up early to give or attend a presentation. The meeting would not have been a success without this support. We are excited to report a total of 6,370 total registrants stemming from nearly 80 countries and all 50 states as well as 85 exhibitor companies.  This allowed us to bring four days of exciting scientific content and networking opportunities within the global human genetics community.

Did you miss a session, award presentation, workshop, or poster this week? No worries, this content and more is available on-demand now and will remain available until October 21, 2021! Simply use your login for the virtual meeting to access the content. Also, Continuing Education Credits applications are now open!

ASHG 2020: A Virtual Reality

You Made an Impression!
See some highlights from #ASHG20 on social media:

See You in 2021!

Next year’s ASHG 2021 Annual Meeting is scheduled for October 19-23, 2021. All scientific sessions will be structured around several scientific themes to help you find your niche. Be on the lookout for  email updates and mark your calendars: abstract submission and registration open in Spring 2021. Plan on great science, networking, career enhancement opportunities and more!


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