The Importance of Soft Skills in Career Transition

The Importance of Soft Skills in Career Transition

By Anna Miller, PhD Building and improving soft skills is an important part of scientific training. Soft skills, such as communication and interpersonal skills, problem solving, time management, and leadership and teamwork, are important characteristics that can be carried over into any position such as. Whether you work in academia, industry, government, or elsewhere, these... Read More

Ruizhi (Vince) Duan, MS

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Ruizhi (Vince) Duan, MS

Ruizhi (Vince) Duan, MS Developmental genomics of limb malformations: Allelic series in association with gene dosage effects contribute to the clinical variability Position: Ph.D. Candidate in Genetics and Genomics Program, Lupski Lab, Baylor College of Medicine ASHG: Can you describe the type of research that has your primary focus? Ruizhi: My research explores the etiology... Read More

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