ASHG Webinar: How to Engage Community Response to COVID Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar Speakers Answer Your Questions

In April, the Public Education and Awareness Committee organized a webinar titled, “How to Engage Community Response to COVID Vaccine” to answer the question: how do scientists engage with groups that are resistant to and frightened by the COVID-19 vaccine due to confusion or misinformation? The goal of this webinar was to equip scientists with... Read More

Robin Williamson, PhD

Meet Robin Williamson, Teacher and GENE Network Member

Posted By: Evelyn Mantegani, Manager, Public Engagement, Communications and Marketing, ASHG Dr. Robin Williamson is a member of the GENE Network and Public Education and Awareness Committee. She graduated from the University of Rochester in 1998 with a major in biochemistry and minors in chemistry and American Sign Language. She then earned her PhD in... Read More

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Audrey Hendricks

Posted By: Sarah Ratzel, PhD, Science Editor, AJHG Each month, the editors of The American Journal of Human Genetics interview an author of a recently published paper. This month, we check in with Audrey Hendricks to discuss her paper, “Summix: A method for detecting and adjusting for population structure in genetic summary data”. AJHG: What... Read More

ASHG Board Roundup from Spring 2021 Meeting

At its annual Spring meeting April 26-27, which was held virtually, the ASHG Board of Directors discussed continued progress on the Society’s strategic goals on year-round programming; leadership on diversity, equity, and inclusion in genetics and genomics research; membership engagement; and advancing public awareness and advocacy initiatives, as well as continued attention to governance and... Read More

ASHG to Foster, Support Engagement of Members Working in Industry

Given the tremendous contribution of private sector research to human genetics and genomics research advances, ASHG is affirming the Society’s intent to welcome and engage industry members in the Society’s membership. In April, the Board approved recommendations from an appointed Industry Engagement Task Force (IETF) that will encourage the Society’s work to highlight and incorporate... Read More

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