
My First Six Months in the Genetics Education and Engagement Fellowship

Posted By: Sarah Robbins, PhD, 2019-2020 ASHG/NHGRI Genetics Education & Engagement Fellow Are you thinking about applying for the ASHG-NHGRI Genetics Education & Engagement Fellowship? Are you unsure if this fellowship is for you? From my own application process, here’s some more information about what the review committee is looking for and what you’ll learn during your 16-month experience. I joined ASHG as a member in 2015. I... Read More

Dr. Katta Goes to Washington

Posted by: Samata (Sammy) Katta, PhD, Genetics & Public Policy Fellow As the ASHG/NHGRI Genetics & Public Policy Fellow for 2019-2020, I’ve completed my first rotation at the National Human Genome Research Institute and have recently started my second rotation on Capitol Hill. I’ve been working with the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee,... Read More

Meet the Trainee Leader, Julie Nadel, PhD

TDC member Emily Olfson, MD PhD, interviews Julie Nadel, PhD, ASHG/NHGRI Genetics & Education Fellow November 2016 ASHG: Tell us a bit about yourself. Dr. Nadel: I like hot sauce, my dog, and talking about science. My graduate work at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine focused on the non-canonical nucleic acid structure, RNA:DNA hybrids,... Read More

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