
Strategic Planning Update with Eric Green, NHGRI

Strategic Planning Update with Eric Green, NHGRI

Outside Voices: National Human Genome Research Institute Director Eric Green, MD, PhD September 2019 ASHG: You have reflected on how essential strategic planning has been to NHGRI’s achievements over the past three decades. What’s changed the most from the institute’s early plans to today’s? What are some exciting or thought-provoking questions so far from today’s community?... Read More

ASHG: A Welcoming Community

ASHG: A Welcoming Community

Executive Update: Mona Miller, Executive Director September 2019 One essential role of professional scientific societies is to build and foster community – communities that advance scientific knowledge, health, and society. ASHG has been a leader in service to the genetics and genomics community for more than 70 years. To thrive, healthy communities are also ever... Read More

Looking Ahead to ASHG 2019

Looking Ahead to ASHG 2019

From the President’s Desk: Leslie Biesecker, MD September 2019 It’s hard to believe there is just about a month left until the ASHG 2019 Annual Meeting! As always, I’m excited to connect with new and old colleagues from around the world, and to take in the latest scientific advances and perspectives. This year’s schedule promises plenty of... Read More

Realizing the Benefits of Human Genetics and Genomics Research

Realizing the Benefits of Human Genetics and Genomics Research

From the President’s Desk: Leslie Biesecker, MD June 2019 President Leslie Biesecker discusses the vision and goals of the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan. As you may know, ASHG membership and leaders have been involved in a strategic planning process for the past many months, which culminated in the release of our 2019-23 Strategic Plan in May. The Plan... Read More

Growing Advocacy & Public Engagement: A Core Part of the Society’s Mission & Plan

Growing Advocacy & Public Engagement: A Core Part of the Society’s Mission & Plan

Executive Update: Mona Miller, Executive Director June 2019 70 years ago, ASHG founders launched the Society recognizing the value of fostering a multidisciplinary community to advance research into human genetic structure and function, investigate their relationship to disease, and translate this knowledge to improve medicine and health. Today, that community is thriving and ASHG’s mission... Read More

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