
Samuel Smith, PhD

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Samuel Smith, PhD

Samuel Smith, PhD, Brown University Enrichment analyses identify shared associations for 25 quantitative traits in over 600,000 individuals from seven diverse ancestries Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Arbel Harpak Lab – University of Texas at Austin ASHG: Can you describe the type of research that has your primary focus? Samuel Smith: My research focuses on developing... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Shawn Fayer, MS, CGC

Shawn Fayer, MS, CGC, PhD candidate, University of Washington Closing the gap: Systematic integration of multiplexed functional data resolves variants of uncertain significance in BRCA1, TP53, and PTEN  Position: PhD Candidate – University of Washington, Department of Genome Sciences  ASHG: Can you describe the type of research that has your primary focus?   Shawn Fayer: My... Read More

Kritika Singh is a PhD Candidate at Vanderbilt Genetic Institute, Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Kritika Singh

Kritika Singh, BS, PhD Candidate Vanderbilt Genetic Institute, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Singh K, et al. Integrative genomic analyses identify susceptibility genes underlying COVID-19 hospitalization. 2021 Nature Communications 12, 4569. ASHG: Can you describe the type of research that has your primary focus? Kritika: My overarching research goals focus on understanding the shared biology of various... Read More

Justyna Resztak, MS

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Justyna Resztak, MS

It is well known that both nature and nurture play a large role in our long-term health outcomes. However, the gene by environment dynamics for many complex traits is still poorly understood. Justyna Resztak and colleagues added to this growing body of literature through their study by understanding the genetic effects of psychosocial experiences on... Read More

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