Abstract Submission: Step-by-Step Instructions

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  • Google Chrome
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  • Mozilla Firefox

Submitting an Abstract

Below is the step-by-step process you will go through when submitting an abstract. To save time, gather all the information you need before you begin. The submission process can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Your in-progress submission will save once you select “Save and Continue.”

  • Remember to view the FAQs before you begin.
  • After you submit your abstract, you may revise or withdraw (delete) your abstract until the extended deadline, June 10, 2024, 11:00 am U.S. Eastern Time.
    • Do not delete or withdraw a paid abstract submission to make edits or submit a new abstract. Refunds will not be issued for abstracts that are deleted or withdrawn, and payment will be required for any resubmissions. Contact us at meetings@ashg.org for assistance with editing if needed.
  • Abstracts will be published online only in September and will be citable starting at this time. Abstracts will be published as submitted. ASHG does not generally edit abstracts, except for style consistency in titles and first author affiliations.
  • Edits: To make any changes to an abstract after it has been submitted (including co-author changes), log in to the abstract submission site and select the title of your abstract. Revisions are not recommended near the deadline, as the submission site will be extremely busy. After the deadline, abstracts cannot be revised.
  • Withdrawals: To withdraw an abstract, log in to the abstract submission site and select the “Delete” icon. After the deadline, abstracts cannot be withdrawn. If accepted by the Program Committee, abstracts will be included in the meeting program and available as a searchable abstract on the meeting website.
  • Abstracts will be under review June 10-July 31.
  • Abstract acceptance notifications will be sent to authors in early August.
Step 1: Log In to ASHG Abstract Submission Site and Start Submission
  • You must log in to the Abstract Submission Site using the first (presenting) author’s ASHG account to access abstract submission.
  • If you have ever been a member, submitted an abstract, or attended an ASHG meeting, you already have an ASHG account. Your username is your email address.
  • If this is your first time interacting with ASHG, you will have the option to create an ASHG account regardless of your membership status. If you are prompted to allow access for your email, you must select Allow in order to access the submission site.
  • Once logged in, be sure to read all prompts and utilize resource links provided at the bottom right of the submission site.
  • When you are ready to start your abstract click on “+New”.
Step 2: Review Important Notes/Agreements to ASHG Policies
  • Review the required statements and confirm you agree to each of the ASHG policies and procedures, including conflict-of-interest attestations. The following are what you are required to accept before submitting your abstract:
    • I have read, understood, and agreed to the Abstract Submission Rules and Meeting Policies, including Code of Conduct.
    • I understand that in submitting an abstract, I am authorizing ASHG to contact me about its Annual Meeting, including the status of my abstract.
    • I will submit only one abstract as first author.
    • I understand that I may only serve as presenting author for one accepted presentation, including Featured Symposia.
    • I understand that as first author, I must notify all authors of any and all correspondence relating to this abstract submission.
    • I confirm that each co-author has been informed of this abstract submission and has agreed to all information as it was submitted.
    • I verify that any reported human participants research was conducted with participants’ voluntary, informed consent, with approval by an appropriate research ethics committee, and consistent with the principles of research ethics, such as those described in the Declaration of Helsinki and the Belmont Report.
    • I am submitting this abstract with the intent of attending and presenting my work in person at the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting being held November 5-9, 2024, in Denver, CO. I understand that if I do not pay for registration and attend in person, my abstract may be withdrawn and my opportunity to present in Denver, CO, forfeited. I understand that ASHG is not making any commitments to host virtual or hybrid content formats and reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to make adjustments to presentation format and style.
    • Presenting Author Disclosure:
      • If my abstract is accepted as a platform or plenary (oral) presentation, I understand that I must include a conflict-of-interest slide as part of my presentation and that I must provide verbal and written disclosures to attendees.
      • If my abstract is accepted as a platform or plenary (oral) presentation, I agree to use generic names (i.e., non-branded names) in my presentation as much as possible. Specific products of ineligible companies will neither be promoted nor disparaged. The content of my presentation will not contain advertisements for a specific product, company, and/or service nor contain any logos of an ineligible company. In addition, I agree to disclose on the required disclosure slide any unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or products referenced in my presentation.
Step 3: Abstract Title
  • Title should follow sentence case format. (For example, Human genetics is great: Analysis of the ASHG gene confirms enormous potential of the field)
  • Do not use all capital letters. Abstracts with titles in ALL CAPS may not be reviewed.
  • Titles should have a maximum of 255 characters, excluding spaces.
    • Only use additional capital letters as appropriate (e.g., Genome-wide linkage analysis using SNP genotyping set; or Evidence of the XYZ mutation found in cancer patients with normal FISH tests).
  • For gene/protein designations, please follow these guidelines set by The American Journal of Human Genetics: Human gene names and loci should be written in italicized capital letters and Arabic numerals. Protein product names should not be italicized.
  • Please use the italicize button where needed; do not enter special codes for bold or underline for your title. Text will automatically flow to the next line.
  • Special Characters: Please prepare your title using a program that includes the special characters necessary, then copy and paste your title into a text processing program with plain text (.txt) file capability such as Notepad/TextEdit. Copy the text from Notepad/TextEdit and paste into the title box. Your special characters should be included.
  • When finished with your attestations and title entry, click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, click on the name of this abstract in the main dashboard to resume your progress.
Step 4: Entering First (Presenting) Author’s Information
  • The first (presenting) author cannot be the first (presenting) author of another abstract being submitted.
  • Required information: first and last name, institution, institution city, institution country, mobile phone, email address, contact city, contact country, and whether attendance will be contingent on visa approval.
  • The first author’s name on a submitted abstract cannot be changed.
    • Note: If you would like to add your middle initial to your author block, please email us at meetings@ashg.org and we can add this on the backend.
    • If you notice that your name is incorrect after payment and completion of the submission, please contact us at meetings@ashg.org for assistance editing the name.
    • If you notice that your name is incorrect prior to payment and completion of the submission, then you must 1) delete your abstract submission by clicking the “Delete” icon on the Abstract Submission Site dashboard, 2) update your name in the ASHG portal, and then 3) submit a new abstract by the deadline.
    • If the first author has changed, then delete the abstract and ask the new first author to log in and submit a new abstract by the deadline.
    • Do not delete or withdraw a paid abstract submission to make edits or submit a new abstract. Refunds will not be issued for abstracts that are deleted or withdrawn, and payment will be required for any resubmissions.
  • Enter the address and affiliation information in upper and lowercase as it should be published. Do not use special characters in the name or address fields. If applicable, include international dialing codes for phone numbers.
  • Affiliation and address changes you enter will not affect your membership affiliation and/or address.
  • ASHG does not permit co-first author designations.
  • You will have an opportunity to enter additional institutional affiliations after you have saved your initial first author data. Click “Add Institution” once you return to the Author(s) step to begin adding additional institutions. A maximum of five (5) affiliations per person are permitted.
  • Click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, find the name of this abstract in the main dashboard and click on it to resume your progress.
Step 5: Enter Co-Author Information
  • Click “Add Author” on the Author(s) step to begin adding a co-author to your submission.
  • Search the co-author name by entering the last name, first name (exact match; use “*” for wildcard), or email address. Then click the search button.
  • Select the appropriate co-author (if found) by clicking the “Add” button next to their name in the search results.
    • Once you have added someone, you may be asked to fill in additional information. Once you have filled in or reviewed the co-author’s information, click “Save and Continue” to return to the Author(s) step and see the newly added co-author’s information added to the Author Block text.
  • If you are including someone whose name does not appear in the search results, you will have an option to add them after your search. (Click on “Enter your author here!” to begin entering an author who is not already known to ASHG.) You will be required to provide first and last name, institution, and email address to add a co-author. Once you have filled in and reviewed the co-author’s information, click “Save and Continue” to return to the Author(s) step and see the newly added co-author’s information added to the Author Block text.
    • Note: If you would like to add a co-author’s middle initial to your author block, please email us at meetings@ashg.org and we can add this on the backend.
  • If you need to edit a co-author’s affiliation, click the “Edit” link next to their name after adding them to your submission. Once you have finished editing the co-author’s information, click “Save and Continue” to return to the Author(s) step.
  • Enter the institutional affiliation information using upper and lowercase as it should be published. If multiple authors are from the same institution, enter each institution using the same naming convention to appear as a single affiliation in the program.
  • Do not enter special codes for bold, italic, or underline.
  • Add all authors in the order they should appear. (You will have an opportunity to re-order the co-authors after you add them. See Step 6 for detailed instructions.)
  • A maximum of thirty (30) authors can be listed plus any groups/consortia. Co-first and co-last authors are not permitted on ASHG abstracts.
  • If you wish to cite a group or consortium as a co-author, click the “Add a Group” link, then enter the group/consortium. Names of individual authors should not be entered here. This entry will appear in your abstract following the last individual co-author’s name. A group or consortium cannot be cited as the sole (i.e., first/presenting) author on an abstract. First (presenting) authors must be individuals who represent groups/consortia. When finished adding the group name, click “Save and Continue” to return to the Author(s) step.
  • When finished adding or editing co-authors review the author block text to ensure it is accurate, then click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, click on the name of this abstract in the main dashboard to resume your progress.
Step 6: Choose the Order of Each Co-Author
  • Once you add more than one co-author, you may rearrange the order of these co-authors if needed by clicking on the “Change the Order these Author(s) are listed” link.
  • Use the dropdown to select the appropriate number choice for each co-author.
  • You cannot change the order of the first (presenting) author.
  • When finished editing the order of co-authors, click “Save and Continue” to return to the Author(s) step.
Step 7: Enter Abstract Text
  • Step 1: Click the “Enter Abstract Text” link and type or paste your abstract text into the text box.
    • Step 1a: To paste your abstract into the text box, you will need to prepare it in a text processing program with plain text (.txt) file capability such as Notepad/TextEdit.
      • If using Microsoft Word, save your file as a plain text (.txt) format.
      • To insert special characters or symbols, you must prepare your abstract in a program that includes special characters.
    • Step 1b: Copy your abstract from the plain text (.txt) file and paste it into the text box. Your special characters should be retained.
      • Do not copy and paste directly from a Word file unless it has been saved as plain text format (.txt) as you may receive an error message due to embedded formatting.
  • Step 2: Format text (bold, italics, etc.), as needed, by using the buttons located above the abstract text box.
  • Step 3: Click “Save and Continue” to return to the Abstract step and review the abstract body text you entered. Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, find the name of this abstract in the main dashboard and click on it to resume your progress.
    • Optional: After you enter your initial abstract text, if you need to make further changes, you may edit it by selecting “Edit Abstract Text.” Once you are satisfied with your edits to the abstract body text, click “Save and Continue.”
  • Make sure your abstract adheres to the guidelines outlined below:
    • You are allotted 2,300 characters, excluding spaces, for the body of your abstract. The submission will remain incomplete and will not be reviewed if the character limit is exceeded. Characters will be counted as you type your abstract text.
    • Abstracts go through a blinded review process. Please ensure your abstract body does not contain author/co-author identifying information. Title, author, and institutional data should not be included in the abstract body text.
    • URL links are not permitted in the abstract body; please explain your work within the framework of a written abstract. A URL can be added at the Additional Information step, and if your abstract is accepted, this link will appear in the online planner with your abstract.
    • Graphics and halftones cannot be submitted as part of your abstract.
    • For gene/protein designations, please follow these guidelines set by The American Journal of Human Genetics: Human gene names and loci should be written in italicized capital letters and Arabic numerals. Protein product names should not be italicized.
    • Abstracts are published as submitted. Please check for accuracy before submitting.
Step 8: Select Abstract Track
  • You will be asked to select the track that most closely describes the work in your abstract.
  • Once a track is selected from the dropdown menu, click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, click on the name of this abstract in the main dashboard to resume your progress.
Step 9: Select up to Five Keywords
  • You will be asked to select up to five (5) keywords that are broad and inclusive in order of importance. Keywords aid in the review process, help tag presentations, and if applicable, determine placement of the abstract in a session. To view all keywords during the submission process, click, “View the full list.”
  • Select the keywords by using the dropdown menus provided. A minimum of one (1) keyword is required, though we encourage you to select more than one.
  • Once you have finished selecting keywords, click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, click on the name of this abstract in the main dashboard to resume your progress.
Step 10: Select Abstract Main Topic
  • You will be asked to select one topic for your abstract. This field is required. Use our list of topic categories to choose the most appropriate category. Appropriate selection of these topics will allow the Program Committee to: (1) accurately review your submission; and, if selected, (2) schedule your presentation in the meeting program alongside similar and complementary content.
    • Note: Topic categories may be reassigned by the Program Committee to ensure appropriate expert review.
  • Once a topic is selected, click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, click on the name of this abstract in the main dashboard to resume your progress.
Step 11: Additional Information: Publication Status, Demographics, and Learning Objective

Prior Publication

  • You will be asked to answer the following required questions:
    • Has the work outlined in this abstract been published or accepted for publication as of June 5, 2024?
    • Has the work outlined in this abstract been accepted for oral presentation at another conference prior to June 5, 2024?
    • Has the work outlined in this abstract been deposited to a preprint server prior to June 5, 2024? (For informational purposes only; this does not constitute prior publication.)
  • It is the authors’ responsibility to update the submission concerning any acceptances that occur before the submission deadline of June 5.
  • For abstracts that are previously published, authors are required to provide the name of the publication or conference, provide the publication or presentation date, and indicate whether you intend to present only previously published work or new data as well. If you indicate that you will present new data, you will be required to describe any advancement beyond published work that will be presented.
  • At the time of assigning plenary and platform talks, the Program Committee will independently verify whether there is a publication available with an acceptance date before June 5. Failure to disclose prior publication will result in abstracts being deprioritized for oral presentation in plenary or platform sessions.
  • For purposes of this policy, “previously published” means: (1) accepted for peer-reviewed publication, or (2) accepted for oral presentation at other conferences.
  • Material posted on a preprint server is NOT considered previously published.

Abstract Information for the Program

  • To assist reviewers and programming, you are asked to select your abstract’s subtopic and intended primary audience as well as the curated itinerary your abstract may be included in. You may also include a URL to go with your abstract submission if applicable.

Diversity and Inclusion Demographics

  • ASHG is committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive community for human genetics and genomics professionals. Your answers will help ASHG determine if the strategies we employ to enhance diversity and inclusion in the Society’s membership and activities are successful. The information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared unless required by law. These optional fields ask for the first (presenting) author’s race/ethnicity, gender, degree, work setting, and professional status.

Learning Objective

  • Learning objectives are required by ASHG’s accreditation bodies. Provide one learning objective for this abstract, following these guidelines. Learning objectives will be provided to participants seeking continuing education credits. You are allotted 250 characters excluding spaces.

After all required fields are completed, click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, click on the name of this abstract in the main dashboard to resume your progress.

Step 12: Apply for Resource-Limited Country Travel Award
  • If you do not qualify or do not wish to be considered for this award, please select “Not Eligible/Not Applicable” from the award dropdown response before proceeding. See Eligibility Requirements below.
  • The only opportunity to apply for the Resource-Limited Country Travel Award is at the time of abstract submission.
  • Eligibility Requirements: This award is only available for those first (presenting) authors residing in a resource-limited country that is categorized by the World Bank as having low-income or lower-middle-income economies.
  • After selecting your eligibility status, click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, click on the name of this abstract in the main dashboard to resume your progress.
Step 13: Apply for the Trainee Research Excellence Award
  • If you do not qualify or do not wish to be considered for this award, please select “Not Eligible/Not Applicable” from the award dropdown responses before proceeding. See Eligibility Requirements below.
  • The only opportunity to apply for the ASHG Trainee Research Excellence Award is at the time of abstract submission.
  • Eligibility Requirements: 1) This award is only available for first (presenting) authors who are ASHG trainee members (postdoctoral and predoctoral students) for the 2024 calendar year. If you are not a trainee member, you must join/renew your membership to be eligible for this award. 2) You must fill out the form linked here by June 10 to be considered: https://apply.ashg.org/a/solicitations/70/home. 3) Your nominator must complete the online nomination form verifying your primary role in the work described in this abstract by June 12, 2024.
  • After selecting your eligibility status, click “Save and Continue.” Your submission will be saved as an in-progress draft at this point. If you need to log out and return to the site later to finish, click on the name of this abstract in the main dashboard to resume your progress.
Step 14: Payment
  • ASHG members have the benefit of a waived abstract submission fee and, therefore, should not see the abstract submission fee payment step. If you joined or renewed your ASHG membership during the abstract submission process to gain the member benefit of a $0 submission fee and still see a payment step, be sure to log out and back into the submission site to reset your member status.
  • Nonmembers will be required to complete the payment step.
    • If you have been provided a promo code, enter it into the “Promo Code” field and click “Apply” BEFORE entering payment information.
      • Submitters in resource-limited countries who receive a promo code for free submission should see the total due change to $0 and not have to fill out any other information on this step.
    • For nonmembers without a promo code, the payment step should show the cost as $50 USD. Enter card information, cardholder name, billing address, and email address. Note: the email address entered on this step will receive the payment receipt.
    • Click “Save and Continue.”
    • Assuming the charge was successful, you will see a new page with a button to click “Continue.” (If there was any issue, you will see information about the reason the payment was not accepted.)
    • You will then be taken back to the payment step with receipt information showing at the top of the screen. Save or print this screen for your records.
    • At the bottom of the payment step, click “Save and Continue” to move to the Review My Work step.
  • An abstract submission is not considered Complete until the submission fee is paid. After paying the submission fee, you can still update your abstract until the deadline.
  • There is no final submit button. Once the payment is received and all required information for previous steps is filled in, the abstract is considered complete.
  • The abstract submission fee is nonrefundable. Read more about our abstract fee policies.
Step 15: Review My Work
  • There is no separate “submit” button. An abstract submission is not considered Complete until each step’s requirements are met, including payment of the submission fee if applicable.
  • If your abstract submission is complete, you will receive an immediate, on-screen confirmation of receipt, followed by a confirmation email. Please retain this document for your records, as you will need it when returning to the submission site. You may return to the submission site to make any edits before the submission deadline. You should also make a note of your username and password.
  • ASHG will print your abstract exactly as it appears in your submission. ASHG does not generally edit abstracts, except for style consistency in titles and first author affiliations. We will not edit for proper designation of genes, proteins, chromosomes, or other entities. You are solely responsible for the accuracy of your abstract.
  • Note: After 11:00 am U.S. Eastern Time on June 10, abstracts cannot be revised or withdrawn. If accepted by the Program Committee, abstracts will be included in the meeting program and available as a searchable abstract on the meeting website.
Revise or Withdraw Abstract
  • To make any changes to an abstract, including co-author changes, log in to the Abstract Submission Site and select the title of your abstract. Revisions are not recommended near the deadline, as the submission site will be extremely busy.
  • To withdraw an abstract:
    • Log into the Abstract Submission Site and select the “Delete” icon to the right of your abstract.
      Delete Icon
    • Alternatively, you can navigate to the Review My Work step of the abstract submission and click the red “Delete This Submission” button at the bottom of the page.
    • Note: Deleted abstracts are unable to be restored. If you deleted your abstract by accident, you will need to submit a new abstract.
  • Do not withdraw a paid abstract submission to make edits or submit a new abstract. Refunds will not be issued for abstracts that are deleted or withdrawn, and payment will be required for any resubmissions. Contact us at meetings@ashg.org for assistance with editing if needed.
  • After 11:00 am U.S. Eastern Time on June 10, abstracts cannot be revised or withdrawn. If accepted by the Program Committee, abstracts will be included in the meeting program and available as a searchable abstract on the meeting website.

Questions? Email meetings@ashg.org


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